Description of the names of the various shapes ridge

Kaem (needle)

the ridge without crowns. It's just a strip of hair running in the opposite direction than the rest of the body hair in the shape of needles from the front shoulders to tail. Normal size is 2-2.5 cm wide. This type of ridge is very common.


is another type of ridge without crowns. The pattern is the same as the type Kaem (needle), but is wider phaen 4-5 cm. This type is not very common, occurs rarely.

Thep-pa-nom or také Pa-nom or Prom (pen)

is also a ridge without crowns. The hair on this ridge running in the opposite direction of the hair as it is for the types Kaem or Phaen. But the hair on the left and right side of the spine should rise and intersect the middle coat. This creates a pattern that looks like two hands clasped in prayer. This procedure is called a wai Thai. It's like when you put two hands together at chest level to greet other people. This type of ridge you can usually see in dogs with long hair.

Tha-nu (arrow)

Look-ridge or ridge Sorn is a crown. It starts with two crowns on each side of the arms of faith to meet each other, then runs along the spine in the shape of an arrow. This type of ridge is abundant. If you cross a dog with a dog type Thanu another type of ridge, can result in puppies with larger types ridge.

Pin ridge

the ridge with many crowns. Crown begins in front of the shoulders, which may have more than one on each side. They create beliefs and intersect, then continue down the spine. They can also be two crowns on either side of the middle of the back. This causes more hair growing in the opposite direction. Middle of the back are two crowns, one on each side, causing a large area of hair growing on his back in the opposite direction. Then tapers down to a point diphtheria. This ridge is also called Lute (lute) ridge.

Bai-pho or Ma ridge

has the same pattern as Pin ridge. The difference is that this ridge will have a much larger shapes and pieces of hair growing in the opposite direction to the end. This type of ridge can grow up to the sides of the body. Resembles the shape of the Bho-Di (leaf) or saddle. This pattern occurs very rarely.


consists of three pairs of bits located in different parts of the back. The first few bits located in front of the shoulders. The second is located towards the lower middle back. One bit is on the right and one on the left side of the spine. The third pair of bits is small and form the shape of a violin, then tapers down towards the croup. Violin ridge looks odd and occurs rarely.

Bowling Pin ridge (baluster)

consists of crowns placed along the spine, which looks like a tapered pin. No need to crown located at the front of the shoulders. Just middle of the back are placed two crowns. In the back of the shoulders are wide distance of the next two crowns. These patterns form the shape of tapered pin.


is composed of two distinct oval shape rising from both sides of the spine. Forms a pattern resembling a sitting rabbit with ears pricked. Hu-kra-tai ridge also occurs rarely.

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